
Terry McAuliffe's Conversation with Virginians

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September 27, 2008


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Am I the only one who finds this incredibly creepy and somewhat like the "field organizers" for Hitler? Very scary.


Obama makes the hair on the back of my neck stand up.


I think that signing people up to vote may be a type of community organizing. To have to go to a rigorious camp to learn the methods of strong persuasion and ridiclue and in your face tactics, well that's not a camp for me or my charlie brown (cartoon character) friends. Had to clarify that Charlie Brown is a cartoon character just in case any one might thik it "R" to say brown or say the word eggshell, or say the word sexism and so forth.

LA Lady

Bev, that is exactly what I thought when I read this blog. His whole campaign has been like a horrible flash back to the german reicht! I am truly frightened.

The Audacity of Hype

We know all about the grassroots "get the vote out" campaign---ACORN=VOTER FRAUD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't believe Obama was the head lawyer for Acorn for years and they've been caught cheating in elections for a decade now, including this one! Why can't these people be stopped? When did everyone decide that we should reward corruption? Sadly, that's all I see anymore! What ever happened to hard work and fairness? I don't get it!
McCain/Palin 08!
"Country First"


The interjection of a nondescript spirituality into our government, in the guise of a political movement, is something to be feared. Approaching people, particularly the young and naive, with promises of belonging to something larger than themselves, without clarifying what that something is, can cause a tidal wave of activity in a direction that the participants at ground level cannot discern. Only those at the highest levels, who know the master plan, can know what the movement's true objectives are.

When such movements gain momentum, it is only in hindsight that their true purpose becomes apparent, often accompanied by regret. The most perspicacious among us must speak out, loudly, with the goal of reaching as many people as possible, to create an equal reaction in opposition to granting power to people who lead by manipulation, instead of by bold, unfettered truth.


really creepy and scarey!

BTW, I have put Puzzler #2 up this morning -another puzzler contest on my blog – for a great cause (Democrats for Principle Before Party). Please visit (and consider a small donation to them as well). Thanks


Add this to the list of creepiness...along with the coins being minted....

Obama’s Presidential Portrait Already Chosen??? (See here) (Why Bother With More Debates or Having an Election??)

Stray Yellar Dawg

Every time I think I have seen it all, I am shocked by yet another Obama strong arm or brainwashing technique.

Sent you a donation, Heidi. It's not much... but we have to try to stop the fraud.

Ohio GOP is filing a lawsuit now, to stop illegal voter registrations and votes being pushed by the Obama Campaign.

There is another lawsuit filed by older Republicans who "mysteriously" received confusing absentee voting forms.

Ohio is a swing state. And I am so concerned that it will swing Blue for illicit reasons.


Camp Obama?! Senator Obama seems to be turning into Rev. Sun Myung Moon

Indeed. Can the Jim Jones part of this trajectory be far behind?


Is it possible that someone in the media will realize they have to speak up and tell the American Public what is really going on. This is Hitler Youth in preparation.

Will the FBI get involved in this Camp Obama to see what is actually going on?

This is America... it won't be if Obama has his socialist way.


StandOnPrinciple - thank you for your posting -

From what I've been told by a college student friend, black church members, college students, and teachers of every grade level are the hub and spoke of Obama's campaign - especially online.

See this link on who is pushing O in Cali:

Senex, Ireland

I have for many months dubbed Senator Obama as
The American Fuehrer. Having as a young boy had my home bombed and destroyed by the Luftwaffe and so
I learnt at this young age of the Nuremburg rallies and the Hitler Youth Camps in Southern Germany.
I am convinced that these youth camps (Camp Obama) fort training and the threats to americans, who do not fall into line is based on the success of the Nazi party 1933/39 No one until today's blog seems to have picked up how Obama is operating...
It was too late when the German Fuehrer was exposed, it will be too late for the United
States unless the Press start acting in a sensible
mode to at least question the real purpose of the
youth camps. Senator Obama has nothing to learn
in his quest for power like Adolph Hitler.
He is using his race ticket to the maximum
Please wake up America before it is too late,
I am only an observer but I see the writing on
the wall...This is the most arrogant character
I have ever read about and like Hitler , he will
take power at any cost, look what has already
happened to the Democratic party where millions
of party members are refusing to vote for such a person

Good Fortune, Senex, Ireland


Kill the $150 Billion ACORN payout in Bail Out Bill in Congress!

If you believe that Congress should stop putting earmarks and pork in the Bail Out Bill please sign the petition attached below.“-do-not-add-ear-marks-into-the-bail-out-bill-or-you-will-not/

Note: Use the Free option to send.



Alot of stuff coming out of this campaign has given me the willies. That's what turns me off so much. You don't have to indoctrinate people for cripes sake. Thanks HeidiLi.


Of course it's creepy, that sort of propaganda technique always is. If you care or dare to, you can look up some youtube videos of some of the camp sessions. Let's just hope middle america is too busy trying to keep their homes, feed their families, get jobs and get decent medical care to take a few weeks off to go to camp obama for indoctrination because he has certainly bamboozled the east and west coasters.

ms mississippi

I agree the tactics being used by the Obama campaign are indeed reminiscent of Hilter's Third Reich. I'll give you a couple of recent examples of groups that have studied Hilter and used his tactics for their own recruiting/training advances. 1)Gangs in Chicago and Los Angeles
2)Al Queda.

Scary, very scary.


I wonder if it is anything similar to what was portrayed in the movie "Camp Jesus" where children were literally taught to pray to Bush. The whole thing creeps me out and at the very least, the McCain camp should be investigating. That is if they can get Palin from speaking in tongues and being exorcised by a Kenyan priest.
One wonders if the MSM has attended Camp Obama. They sure have drunk the koolaid.


As I understand it, when you graduate from Camp Obama then you too are qualified to be president.

Zelda Crunch

'Am I the only one who finds this incredibly creepy and somewhat like the "field organizers" for Hitler?'

No you are not!

"Obama makes the hair on the back of my neck stand up."

Yes. The same here.


"Am I the only one who finds this incredibly creepy and somewhat like the "field organizers" for Hitler? Very scary."

Again, you are not. I've been thinking and saying the same thing for months.


"Am I the only one who finds this incredibly creepy and somewhat like the "field organizers" for Hitler? Very scary."

Again, you are not. I've been thinking and saying the same thing for months.


"Am I the only one who finds this incredibly creepy and somewhat like the "field organizers" for Hitler? Very scary."

Again, you are not. I've been thinking and saying the same thing for months.

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