
Terry McAuliffe's Conversation with Virginians

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October 07, 2008


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One of the great gifts of Dr. King's legacy is that so much can learned from his thoughts and his deeds.

Wonk the Vote


Thank you for reprinting Dr. King's letter. Exactly what I needed to read tonight.


Heidi, I can't thank you enough for reprinting Dr. King's letter in full.
I believe he would appreciate the PUMA stance. Because IMO, Dr. King wanted true progress,and would not have accepted the rigged out come the DNC contrived.


This letter was new to me, thank you for posting it in full length.

I am personally most impressed with MLK's sentence about negative peace as the absence of tension versus a positive peace as the presence of justice.

What an apt sentence for the present situation, but also how true in so many of life's domains.

I have been critized all through my life, from childhood to retirement for not being satisfied with "negative" peace - now I feel to be in good company.

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