
Terry McAuliffe's Conversation with Virginians

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November 15, 2008


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Good read and interesting analysis. It may be in the best interests of the Democrats to keep Senator Hillary Clinton in the US Senate, or they may run the risk of losing her senate seat should a Republican beat out an inexperienced replacement who is tapped to take her place by Governor David Paterson.



I would bet that the replacement will be Robert Kennedy Jr. so I don't think NY or the Senate would suffer a lose come reelection.

I'm still not betting the farm that this offer is on the up and up. Obama's track record isn't exactly stellar when it comes to appointing women to his campaign or how fellow female Democrats are dealt with by his campaign. It could also very well be that Senator Clinton wants the position, knowing that any dreams of higher political aspirations have been basically squashed. Or maybe she doesn't want it and would rather spend the rest of her political career as junior senator from NY. This I doubt.

My guess is the obama campaign will use Bill Clinton's foreign ties as an excuse not to pick Sen. Clinton and then appoint either that mannequin known as kerry or billybob richardson, who even obama must know cannot be trusted as far as you can throw him.

Cyn NY

Excellent analysis, Heidi. This is what jumped out at me from the article you linked:

Obama might be at the zenith of his power right now but that is not going to last. Does she really want to sacrifice her political portfolio and throw everything in with him?"

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