
Terry McAuliffe's Conversation with Virginians

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November 21, 2008


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I hoped that Senator Clinton stayed in the Senate, but if she decides to take the SoS, I will enjoy watching a very experienced and skillful individual in charge of our foreign policy. Senator Clinton might be happier without having to look everyday at the faces all those backstabbing colleagues in the Senate.


Thank you for this post, Heidi.

I've been looking for a balanced commentary, there are so many unreasonable, critical posts about Senator Clinton's decision, whichever one she might take. Surely Senator Clinton will have to decide what is her political goal in this new situation, the country's best interest and her effectivity range and possibilities she has as SOS or in the Senate. She has to weigh many personal, political and public issues. Who are we to decide for her what is right and wrong?

Like you, I think there are advantages and disadvantages for either decision. It certainly is not up to us supporters to expect her to take this or that decision, it is not a matter of right or wrong, but of weighing the pros and contras of each position and then decide upon what is the most suitable in *her* opinion.

The boy's club is a reality and we have to keep working from the grassroots to influence the system. That's where my continued support will be.


Helpful analysis, Heidi Li. This administration may prove to be interesting after all.


I am not sure what I want Senator Clinton to do anymore. I do believe we need a Presidential Commission on Women but do not believe for one minute that it will ever come to pass in an Obama administration. He could not care less.

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