
Terry McAuliffe's Conversation with Virginians

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November 05, 2008


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I do hope that you are right about this. My gut feeling is that Pres. Obama will be as refractory to suggestion as Pres. Reagan.


Love this series Heidi Li. They're all keepers and I have been referring friends to them.



I'm not counting on him to do anything for women or gays, PERIOD. He had a chance to demonstrate leadership on these issues yet he didn't lift a finger to condemn the sexist treatment of Hillary and Sarah, nor did he promote the rights of the GLBT community by encouraging his "new coalition" to defeat Prop 8 and others like it.

I’m serious guys. PUMA needs to have a “civil rights” conference focusing on Women and Gays. The Lightbringer has addressed the AA community now we need to find a counter-strategy to the Sexisthomophobacrat Party.

We need a planning committee…STAT. And Gdamnit…Hillary and Sarah need to be in attendance. This is a non-partisan crisis.


Statehood for the District would be priority one for me at the moment with full gay rights on it's heels. Civil rights for all would go a long way toward any fights to defeat the ism's, ie sexism, racism, ageism. Full rights for the GLBT community and the citizens of Washington, DC would benefit those who have them already as resources -money, attention, time- can merge into a common purpose.


DC statehood should be addressed at the beginning of President Obama's term, before we lose the Dem Congress. I doubt that it will be - but I'll have a lot more respect for the Obama Administration (and more hope for it) if it is.


Report finds pay gap for UT women faculty
AUSTIN — Women full professors at the University of Texas at Austin make $9,000 less annually on average than their male colleagues.

That's according to a report prepared by a 22-member UT task force.

The Austin American-Statesman reports UT President William Powers Jr. praised the report for "identifying issues we must address to support the professional growth of our faculty."

Provost Steven Leslie, who established the Gender Equity Task Force, said steps would begin immediately to address the report's recommendations, which include developing a five- to 10-year plan to reduce or eliminate gender inequities in hiring, promotion, salaries and governance.

UT professor of molecular genetics and microbiology, Shelley Payne, says there's a perception among the administrators that women are simply not as good as men.

The report noted shortcomings in everything from promotion opportunities to the overall campus climate for women faculty members.
November 5, 2008 - 2:16 a.m. CST


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