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November 26, 2008


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Heidi, thank you for this post, articulating the message we need to drive home. This is the fourth wave of feminism, and hopefully the beginning of the final assault in the campaign for achieving universal human rights.


Heidi, I think we're long overdue for the women's equivalent of the Anti-Defamation League. We need a watchdog group, funded by us, to take action against language or behavior that demeans women. Being polite just doesn't cut it anymore.


Thank you, Heidi, for addressing this issue.

grayslady, I agree. We need a clearinghouse for incidents of hate-speech on the internet, too. When I think of the thousands of articles and posts that I've read this past year that demean women, I feel sick. We need to be able to say, there were x number of sexist posts on this blog or that magazine site and let people do what they will with those numbers.

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