
Terry McAuliffe's Conversation with Virginians

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December 20, 2008


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The organisation you propose has an autopoïetic quality, which means it is perpetually progressive in as much as all participants in their different functions "shape" and influence the organisation, as well as let themselves be "shaped" and influenced through it. This is the progressive, complex and comprehensive way also in business consulting, councelling and therapy - I am impressed and I am fully with you. My "subscription" funds will reach you the 22nd of every month.


I'm very, very, *very* tickled that you felt my attempt had some merit. I'm sure there are better typefaces, color combinations, etc. (Although using "neighboring" rather than contrasting colors was intentional.)

If you'd rather keep it anonymous, that's fine. If it fits with your policies / site / whatever, I'd be glad of a tip o' the hat to quixote and/or my site It's not all-politics-all-the-time, but I did note ages ago (ie Feb '08, that Obama's record portended what we're getting now. :-(

So many lemons, so little lemonade. But good for you for working on the right side of that equation!

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