My friend who continues to get email from the DNC just forwarded this message to me:
S---- -- It's been just over a month since Election Day, and we're getting ready to change America. We can't do it alone, and we can't do it in a single day. But thanks to supporters like you, change is coming. Show your support for our ongoing movement with an Obama four-year calendar -- or share one as a holiday gift. Make a donation of $35 and get a limited edition, full-color calendar featuring photos of President-elect Obama and his family from the campaign trail: You can also donate just $25 and get an Obama winter hat: https://donate.barackobama. Your donation will support the Democratic National Committee, which did so much to strengthen the campaign over the past two years. The DNC will continue to support change -- but it also needs to retire the debt it accumulated by putting everything on the line for victory in 2008. Get a four-year Obama calendar with your donation of $35 or more: https://donate.barackobama. If you order by December 15th, delivery is guaranteed before December 25th. Thank you for your continued support, The Democratic Party |
Contributions or gifts to the Democratic National Committee are not deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes. |
Although this is for real, the DNC has now managed to sound like a cross between QVC and a blatant political machine straight out of Chicago.
The tackiness is not the problem; it is just a minor annoyance. The sound of Chicago-like machinery gears grinding is a problem and a big one. While I want President-elect Barack Hussein Obama (I am now using all three names because CNN has just reported that this is how the President-elect wants to be sworn in and known for official purposes) to have a Presidency that serves our country well, I do not want a major political party beginning its next Presidential campaign before this one has yet to begin. And just as I did not want the Party to select the nominee in contradiction of its own rules and procedure - thereby effectively disenfranchising every single person who voted in a primary or a caucus regardless of how they voted - neither do I want the Party now acting as if they know who the rank and file will elect to run in four years.
Or is the new DNC PAC/0bama-for-America Party simply planning to officially disenfranchise rank and file Democrats and abandon primaries in 2012 altogether?
At one time that might have been a question I would have posed rhetorically, to show the absurdity of the idea just by inquiring about it. But having seen the latest in the shilling emails from the DNC PAC, I ask the question seriously.
Because if the Democratic Party understood democracy they would understand that they cannot be asking people now to support Barack Hussein Obama for reelection in 2012. Democracy requires an election procedure that involves rank and file citizens choosing who will run for the chief executive office. The choice is not up to a webmaster - or a would-be DNC-chair- sitting in Chicago or Washington D.C.
It is seeming easier by the day to imagine a serious third party movement for 2012. It may be the only way to guarantee a fundamental presupposition of republican populist democracy: the right of the individual citizen to have a real choice of candidates to serve as the President of the United States.
That's tacky and cheap. I bet the Obots will get pretty sick of this. After all, they elected him with their loose change and now he wants their grocery money. And, hey, where is that Change I Can Believe in???
Posted by: Cyn | December 10, 2008 at 07:10 PM
The mailing says it's to retire their debt, not for reelection. What I find disgusting is I got an email from the Hillary people which forwarded an email from Biden to the Obama supporters asking them to help retire Hillary's debt. So the story we Hillary supporters got was a warm and fuzzy one: Biden was helping Hillary retire her debt. But the real story is that at the same time Obama supporters asking to help retire HIS debt. Gee, I wonder which cause they gave more money to? What disgusting spin..
Posted by: Suzanne | December 11, 2008 at 01:36 AM
Tackiness is the modus operandi of Obama & Co. No surprise there.
Are we sure this contribution isn't to defray legal fees? In light of Blago's defiance of Obama, it appears everyone connected with the incoming administration has to lawyer up.
The presidency, like Obama's senate seat, is nothing more than a marketable item.
Posted by: Monarch | December 11, 2008 at 09:22 AM
My boss is getting mail from telling him his Obama shirt is ready - all he has to do is pay for it. Wonder if Moveon is retiring its debt?
Posted by: Cyn | December 11, 2008 at 12:27 PM
Hey, what's the matter with you people? Pony up gosh darnit! Don't question, just do as we ask...
Posted by: Becky | December 11, 2008 at 06:03 PM
I think Onowhesgotanewname is just doing what he always did: sell himself. There are mugs, plates, dvds and other goodies out there so we can have his face all over our homes and he can have our money for 2012. He and his gang are salesmen, hucksters, and advertisers. This is probably all we'll see for the next 4 years.
Posted by: cats | December 11, 2008 at 07:11 PM
OMG- 365 days a year staring at an Obama Calendar? No thanks, TV is bad enough but at least I can shut if off.
Posted by: Ahrcanum | December 13, 2008 at 07:22 PM