
Terry McAuliffe's Conversation with Virginians

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December 03, 2008


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Heartwarming. That's the Clinton I voted for! Thanks for sharing.

susan h

Hillary is a true leader in every sense of the word! America lost out when the DNC threw Hillary under a bus during the primary; however, the world at large will definitely be a better place with Hillary as SOS of America. Bravo to our candidate of choice, and Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton!


Bravo, Madam Secretary of State!

How [unsurprising] that Hillary Rodham Clinton's first act would be one of endorsing an organization that helps the most vulnerable in this hill of beans we live in! Hillary's book did say it "takes a Village"...and sure enough, she will everything in her power to ensure sanity returns to world-priorities. If the children are not attended to, regardless of how near or how far, what kind of a world is going to survive us? I will always be grateful for Hillary's challenging words back in l995 in Bejing's UN Conference:

"Human rights are women's rights and women's rights are human rights". Indeed! For how can we ever hope to properly nurture the next generations if their mothers are undernourished, unprotected and degraded and diminished?

Bravo, Hillary!

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