
Terry McAuliffe's Conversation with Virginians

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« Hillary Rodham Clinton's confirmation hearings: In the middle of troubled times, a strong, deeply intelligent voice | Main | Update from 51 Percent: inaugural guest essay published »

January 13, 2009


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petunia politik

Heidi Li,

Like you, I have followed all of HRC's confirmation hearing today, though I was able to watch and listen. Also like you, for awhile I have been thinking about Hillary the woman rather than the politician. What is she made of to be able to rise above the disgraceful performance of the media and an election that was clearly skewed and altered to deny her the nomination that she actually won ( sans caucus and superde fraud). We know this is no ordinary person, but I have never before seen someone who could remain so seemingly stoic and rise above something that would forever torture someone else. Her commitment to country is so strong and so altruistic. I can not think of another politico for whom I can say that. Hillary has made us proud through the years, and for me, today she proved once again that she is the only person who should be sitting in the oval office.


Indeed, there is a lot to learn from Hillary as a human being, well beyond her work as a politician. Thank you, Heidi, for taking the time to outline it in this inspiring post.


Today I'm very glad I worked my heart out for Hillary. She somehow always manages to make us feel proud. I'm very fortunate to be part of the movement she brought together. Thank you Heidi for this post and also for being an inspiration for all of us in Hillaryland.


Thank you Heidi for writing about so many us feel when we see Hillary.


Heidi, Thank you for your wonderful, insightful, and informative posts about Senator Clinton. Yesterday's hearing was awesome, (the portion that I was able to see) and the depth and breath of this woman's knowledge is absolutely breathtaking. She should be taking the oath of office the 20th of January.

Thank you for your inspiration and hard work for Senator Clinton and all women. The 51 percent project has promise.


Wonderful post Heidi. Just watching Hillary yesterday made me proud to be a woman.


Thank you, Heidi. For many months the hillaryvillagers were in sorrowful state. Now we enter the state of joyfulness. Watching a little of Senator Clinton's confirmation hearing reinforced my belief that this is her and our country's destiny. She is the ONE destined with the courage, intelligence and all the qualities you enumerated to bring peace and harmony between people around the globe. I will always pray that she be safe and wish her a fruitful journey. The glorious day will come when she ascends to be our POTUS.


This woman has such strength and your words have really captured it. Thank you.

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