
Terry McAuliffe's Conversation with Virginians

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January 19, 2009


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(Note, given the evolving nature of how people use the term "Puma" I am taking the liberty of identifying blogs I find interesting and in keeping with the self-governing independence of thought that to me characterizes the emerging core of Puma political thinking).

Hear, hear!

The original name says it all -- a progressive-centrist swing voter bloc. Party Unity My A__!

Stray Yellar Dawg

Thank you, Heidi Li, for all your hard work.

You are on the right track!Proportional Representation is the New Suffrage!

I started wearing my New Agenda buttons yesterday. They generated quite a conversation. Why are there only 16% woman Governors??? When there are 51% women in the population? That sort of thing.

51% is THE educational tool of this next political cycle (IMO.) And it seems The New Agenda is behind you. TNA with 51% will be unstoppable!

Keep going...... til we have proportional representation! That is the new suffrage!

Stray Yellar Dawg

Here are some of my percolating thoughts on 51%, PUMA, Women's Suffrage:

Tell me what you think!


Heidi Li, you're a good sport to participate. Special parents! I'm glad you got that cat.

I found a humorous irony at "feminist blogs", but can't find the link now. It seems that Washington power dinners that have been all white affairs seem out of place now. Some very influential people are in search of black friends to invite. We'll get to content of character some day!


Thank you for sharing, Heidi Li!!

I hadn't heard Rev. Jackson's statement that the civil rights movement is, in essence, finished with Obama's inauguration. (Probably because I'm on the MSM blackout...indefinitely.) But it's an astonishing sentiment. I suppose the Reverend is going to retire now? His life's work is done?


Heidi, thank you. I am glad petunia tagged you.

It is surprising and fun to me as reader to learn of these different facets of blog authors. As we all create images when we read, to adjust theses "bits" of reality with one's own images is an entertaining exercise.

I am also in constant conversation with my cat and other formidable listeners, at this time particularly about the absence of feeling joy with the inauguration; the issue not being as much skin color, but undemocratic procedures, disenfranchising millions of the 51 percent. Your educational work is paramount.


Thanks Heidi, and you wear your "tallness" well!


I accept your "tag", but it's not nearly as interesting as yours, my tall sister!

Bud White

Thanks for the incredibly funny and moving post (and the hat tip)

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