
Terry McAuliffe's Conversation with Virginians

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February 22, 2009


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pantsuit politics admin

I think it's important that people realize one of the big hurdles we have as women is changing socially accepted sexist attitudes against women. Thanks for bringing this to people's attention. I posted a link to this at my forum.

(BTW....have you seen the movie on the Christine Collins story yet? It shows sadly how a lot of sexist attitudes and stereotypes towards women have not changed since the 1920s)


I found a very interesting video (Changing Times)from Australia. There is a 90-year old man talking. It discusses how women lost jobs in The Great Depression. It may be worth a view.


This is great Heidi. I only wish I could take out a FULL page in the N.Y.Times and WashingPost and ask the Jock In Chief for a long-overdue response. It is women who will be resuscitating the ailing economy with the power to revive and sustain it--thanks to their overwhelming representation in small business, the wave of the future! While Obama is busy repaying his Wall Street benefactors, Main Street is feeling the pinch, and it's women who are feeling most of the pain being the primary caregivers and nurturers while most single moms have to bring home the bacon without any jock-assistance....

Periodically, Obama will feel down and start launching attacks against women's rights to boost his bipartisan appeal....

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