
Terry McAuliffe's Conversation with Virginians

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March 05, 2009


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Thanks for your perspective on this appointment.

Stray Yellar Dawg

When I read this news yesterday, I jumped for joy!

Beyond the glare of the cameras, beyond the accusations of "too hot" and "too dumb" Sarah just did what she needed to do. She selected a most qualified supreme court justice. And, no, it was not about any kind of Right Wing litmus test.

I believe that many supposedly "progressive" idealogues owe this woman an apology. For the way they sold her short when she was John McCain's running mate.

To be frank there are women out there, high profile "Feminists", whom I have heretofore respected ... that I will never forgive for what they did to a competent woman governor.


AP finally took note of the appointment:


So it looks like these two non-Ivy League professionals are in touch with what's really going on and they represent, therefore, not their cronies, but real, every day people. I applaud you, Heidi, for seeing this and yet again putting emphasis on another, important facet.


Thanks Heidi Li. You provide a wonderful service of disseminating facts people need to know!


Somehow I hallucinated a bottom line for your piece and even gave you credit for it:

"Something normal happened. A qualified woman appointed a qualified woman."


Hedi, Your blog was mentioned to me by the Women at New Agenda...Do you belong to the feminist law professor blog? I sent Ann Barlow a prof at U So Carolina the above( when Stray Dog first published )it and they failed to print would seem like something that blog would be especially interested in. Any ideas?

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