
Terry McAuliffe's Conversation with Virginians

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March 08, 2009


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Heidi Li,
Here in my little Texas town, a group of us (about 75) celebrated Women's Day with marching, singing and proclaiming. It was wonderful!
We had display tables at the recreation center, so I printed out some of the material you so graciously posted and urged us to download: specifically, Eleanor Roosevelt and Emily Roebling. I told the women about your 51% webpage. None of them knew who you were, nor did they know about "51%" but were thrilled and impressed about/with you!
Many many thanks for your unwavering attempt to see that women are elevated to their rightful place in this society.
You are such a treasure for the women's movement, as well as an inspiration!
Thank you, Heidi Li.


Gosh, that convention speech was such a tremendously bittersweet address. Showing us how far we had come, yet not quite far enough. I was just re-reading the Tubman quote elsewhere earlier, and I fear that it is apropos for many, women and men alike, at this very uprooting time in our country's history. You use it as a very graphic inference to what many of us experience and have experienced as women, and rightfully so, and I believe Hillary also used it as a call for vigilance and fortitude in any fight for advancement toward our "God given potential". It has been over a year now that our eyes were opened to the inequity of this past election cycle. Vigilance and tenacity are needed for sure. And how sad that we don't recognize Women's Day! I would like a Mimosa, for one.


We should all become more active and creative. Kudus to your friend in Europe.


I agree with you that the year 2008 is a year of awakening for equality.

Reading about the hardships of the forefighters for equal rights, or hearing from women having thrown acid in their faces because they want to go to school etc., always makes me wonder: how much are we willing to endure? Yes, I have been ridiculed and called all kind of things, but would I risk to go to jail, or bear the consequences of not paying my income tax because I disagree strongly with the spending of my Government?

What are our tools today and how are we using them to advance equal rights? How do we find the balance between wanting change now and dealing with reality?

Thank you, Heidi, for your contribution with this blog and 51 percent, which have been and will be an incentive for my actions.


Heidi Li,
Today I rec'd this from my cousin, about how Zurich was celebrating IWD. She married a Swiss man and has lived and raised a family there for over 30 years. I thought you might be interested since you shared that wonderful protest by your European friend.
Here's her e-mail:
"There were lots and lots of demos yesterday but I had to work. Tomorrow on March 10th I am taking part in a “Equal pay for equal work” action. We will be talking to people on the street and handing out red shopping bags. Women in Switzerland earn on the average 19% less than men. This means that women would have to work 49 days longer than men to earn the same amount of money, ie. January 1st to March 10th is 49 work days. There will be action groups all over the country tomorrow."


What I find sad is that the "younger" generation of women (and yes, I'm generalizing) does NOT seem to realize the level of misogyny exhibited during this past election, nor do they realize they are a part of a majority minority or how that affects their lives. Four nieces, ages 37, 35, 21, 21, all avid Obama fans who bought into the Hillary-and-Sarah-hate. None of them will acknowledge the misogyny that was exhibited this past election. None of them will acknowledge that they are a part of a majority minority. Women I know through work, between the age of 35 - 42, are the same. I feel like I'm fighting not only for my rights (still!) but for the rights of young people who don't even understand the limitations that have been imposed upon them. And yet, I will keep fighting, in whatever way I can. Thank you, Heidi, for being the catalyst for so many of us, for giving us a voice and a place to gather.

(by the way, I tried to leave a comment at your City Tavern post, but it looks like comments are turned off!)

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