
Terry McAuliffe's Conversation with Virginians

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March 02, 2009


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Stray Yellar Dawg

Excellent piece, as always, Heidi Li. I read it with great interest, too... as I have a daughter who has just announced her intent to transfer into engineering next year.


well, if they are like the civil engineers i worked with in the past, they are jealous and don't want to share. fortunately, i have been mentored by some great male engineers who have been true leaders in their field. but, over the years, it has been also truly very lonely at times when you are the only woman who is not part of the clerical or payroll staff and need the guys to play nice so you can get ahead in your profession. thanks for the's been too true in my experience.


Heidi, it's worth noting, IMO, that Emily Roebling, after completing work on the Brooklyn Bridge, went on to receive a law degree from NYU. Quite a woman.

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